The inventory of solid irradiating waste carried out by the CEA has identified irradiating waste without outlets, waste to be produced in the next 30 years, resulting from the dismantling or operation of civil CEA installations. Given the quantities of waste identified, it was decided to build a storage facility dedicated to this waste on the CEA Marcoule site.
The DIADEM project thus has the following main functions:
The project is carried out in the form of a complete project management including all tasks from the preliminary design studies to the assistance to the acceptance operations of the installation. ATRIX is responsible for the mechanical and nuclear handling work packages, shielded cell equipment, waste and effluents, storage racks and radiological monitoring. Specific safety missions (all the analyses and the preparation of safety reports submitted to the ASN) were also carried out by ATRIX.
The project is carried out in the form of a complete project management including all tasks from the preliminary design studies to the assistance to the acceptance operations of the installation. ATRIX is responsible for the mechanical and nuclear handling work packages, shielded cell equipment, waste and effluents, storage racks and radiological monitoring. Specific safety missions (all the analyses and the preparation of safety reports submitted to the ASN) were also carried out by ATRIX.